Baker gun/uzi semi gun
Bakers gun was made as a high-volume paddle machine for some of the bombie-style high-volume big water waves around the central coast. It has a flat deck for keeping plenty of support and buoyancy throughout the front 2/3, then adding a dropped rail line to create a rail foiling out into its fine tail for the responsiveness needed for turning at high speed.
The slight vee bottom also helps lay the board over on rail with slight double concave nose to tail, the vee panel nose cuts through bumps and takes steep drops. This gun has proven to be still quite easy to turn in the 8.0 under sizes. We have also designed the 7.0 under the model of this genres called the Uzi short gun as the higher volume plan shape still works great for, say, a 6.6 indo paddler for gland or some of those waves where you don’t need a massive board but want a paddle machine.
This board has some inspiration from Glen Winton and Dick Brewer through its design elements, and the concave vee combo was also something that runs alongside the spoon, which has given up so many ideas to reference and try to put into other boards for its speed and easy rail to rail transition. With a Baker gun in your quiver, you will always have the security of paddling out in the most mountainous ocean and not lagging in your paddle movements.
it comes in round pin, swallow tail which helps add a little more vee out the exit in the Uzi , loosening up its rail turns and square tail
All boards are custom-made to suit each individual.