Double yolker
The Double Yolker is a round-tail, high-performance twin. It was built for sucky barrels. It has a single to double concave with a channelled vee panel under your feet. The channel runs out the back, creating a bladed tail exit.
This board has great hold and handles solid waves. Unlike your typical twin fin board, it can turn vertically off the top without spinning out. Surf it with upright stiff fins around 138mm deep for my size. It has proven a staple design for those hooked on twins who want to ride twins in powerful waves and everything in between .
It also comes in a high-volume paddle machine in longer lengths that have helped people push the limits in solid waves, still keeping its twinnie pivot at high speed.
I (75kg) ride mine at 5’9. This board comes in a larger version from 6’6 to 7’2 as a step-up gun-style twin. Glass on fins preferred.
All boards are custom-made to suit each individual.